Privacy Policy Canada

A PDF of this policy is available for download here.

Last reviewed by the Board of Directors on April 25, 2024.

The privacy of individuals connected with Metergy Solutions Inc. and all its subsidiaries [1]  (together, the “Corporation” or “we”), including our customers, suppliers, contractors, employees and website visitors is of great importance to us, and is something we take very seriously. Keeping Personal Information (as defined below) in strict confidence is a cornerstone of our business. Regardless of how the range of services we provide to our customers expands, and the technology we use changes, we will always strive to protect the privacy of Personal Information in accordance with this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”).

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, handle and protect Personal Information under our control and sets out the principles and laws on which our privacy practices are based. You can view more detail on any of the sections below by clicking on the following topics:









Questions or Concerns

1 If one of our subsidiaries has adopted their own privacy policy that are consistent with the provisions of this this Privacy Policy, it may supersede this Privacy Policy.


By providing Personal Information to us and visiting our website and clicking “I Agree to Metergy’s Privacy Policy”, engaging with our social media or otherwise, you are consenting to our processing of your Personal Information in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date “Last reviewed”, above, and will remain in effect except with respect to any of its provisions that are changed in the future. We reserve the right to change this Policy at any time. Changes, modifications, additions, or deletions will be effective immediately upon their posting to our website or upon you being otherwise notified. Your continued provision of Personal Information to us and your continued use of our website after we post any such modifications will constitute your acknowledgement of the modified Privacy Policy and your agreement to abide and be bound by the modified Privacy Policy going forward. We will also revise the “Last reviewed” date found at the beginning of this Privacy Policy when we post changes to it.

You may refuse to provide Personal Information to the Corporation and may, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, withdraw consent at any time to our continued use and disclosure of Personal Information previously collected. Please note that refusing or withdrawing your consent in respect of our handling of certain Personal Information may result in us being unable to provide you with certain products and services. You can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the Privacy Officer at the address at the end of this Privacy Policy. You may also opt out of continuing to receive communications from the Corporation in respect of products and services of the Corporation or third parties other than those which you have inquired about or are receiving. We may, however, collect, use or disclose Personal Information without your knowledge or consent in exceptional circumstances where such collection, use or disclosure is permitted or required by law.

The Corporation will not knowingly obtain consent from those individuals who are minors under fourteen (14) years of age, seriously ill, or mentally incapacitated and we shall therefore obtain consent from a parent, legal guardian or person having power of attorney of such an individual.

If you are an individual under the age of fourteen (14) years, you must access or use our website only with the permission and involvement of your parent or guardian.


Personal Information” is any recorded information about an identifiable person. It includes such things as a person’s name, home address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, social insurance number and financial information. Personal Information does not include business contact information of an individual that the Corporation collects, uses or discloses solely for the purpose of communicating or facilitating communication with the individual in relation to their employment, business or profession. Personal information may be gathered from customers and website visitors. In all cases, we are committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and the integrity of their Personal Information.

The Personal Information which the Corporation may collect includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Contact and identifying information including your name, mailing address, service address, email address, telephone number, driver’s licence number, social insurance number and date of birth.
  2. Commercial information including details of products and services used related to meters and service agreements for billing, occupancy dates, whether your premises is rented or owned, consumption and meter reading data and collection information.
  3. Financial and payment information including, bank account information, credit card, debit card and/or checking account information, credit reports and payment or other information required when you make pay Corporation or its third party service provider.
  4. User information including messages and images uploaded / shared as part of a public forum, message boards and user chats.
  5. Login information including username and password.
  6. Marketing and communications information including your preferences in receiving marketing from us and third parties, and your communication preferences.
  7. Computer information including device type, device identifiers, IP address, MAC address, location, browser type, operating system and platform, protocol, sequence information, cookies, beacons, pixel tags, browser language and type, and domain name system requests.
  8. Internet or other electronic network activity including browsing, session, interaction, search history, duration of use, frequency of use, material and pages viewed, time and date of access, number of bytes transferred, number of clicks per visit and other user behaviour related to our website, unless you opt-out of such activity via the website’s cookie pop-up function.
  9. Other information which you voluntarily provide to us, our employees, or our contractors.

In addition, if you contact us, we may keep a record of your communication, including telephone calls and emails, to help solve any issues you might be facing.

We may also collect Personal Information through our website, which may use tracking software in the form of “cookies” (text files containing unique identification numbers identifying technical information about our website visitor, but not necessarily the identity of the visitor). This information is transmitted to us each time our website is visited, and these cookies allow us to collect and store information such as the type of internet browser and operating system a visitor uses; the date, time and duration of the visit to our website; the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect their computer to the Internet, the internet address of the website from which they linked to our website; and the pages they visited while on our website. Unless a visitor actively submits Personal Information while on our website however, we will not normally be able to determine the identity of visitors to our website. The Corporation has adopted a Cookie Policy, available online at


Most of the Personal Information we handle is collected primarily in connection with products and services provided by or to the Corporation, and during the establishment of business relations. We also collect your Personal Information from building owners, condominium corporations, strata corporations, co-operative corporations, landlords and/or property managers of your building as well as from third party service providers including payment processors, collection agencies, analytics providers, email service providers, customer service providers, marketing and advertising providers, website hosting platforms, identity authentication providers, and review platforms.

In the normal course of doing business, we use Personal Information for various purposes, including:

  1. Establishing, managing and terminating business relations with you, including billing and collecting overdue amounts. We may also report payment history about accounts to credit reporting agencies to manage collections and business risks. This includes but is not limited to both on-time and delinquent payments and overdue accounts.
  2. Maintaining and improving our products and services and otherwise running and managing our business in the ordinary course, and keeping our records up to date.
  3. Fulfilling orders or service agreements with us for the purchase of products, goods, or services, and accessing and using services and our website.
  4. Reviewing the products and services that we provide to you;
  5. Consider the products and services that we currently obtain from third parties and should consider in the future;
  6. Informing you of our other products and services, including those from third parties that we think you may be interested in;
  7. Providing communications from us in regard to e-news, emails, bulletins, notifications, newsletters, programs, events and activities.
  8. Assisting you when you contact our customer support services, including to direct your questions to appropriate individuals, investigate and address any of your concerns, and to improve and monitor our customer support responses.
  9. Administering and protecting our business and website, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, system maintenance, support, reporting and hosting of data.
  10. Marketing and advertising to be presented on our website or delivered to you through other electronic messaging and means (email, social media, direct messaging etc.).
  11. Administering surveys, contests, draws, raffles, offer tailored content, and other promotional materials to you based on your interests.
  12. Using data for business development and market research to understand demographics, interests, usage patterns, and other characteristics of individuals and to track and analyze trends and patterns.
  13. Protecting us against error, fraud, theft and damage to our goods and property;
  14. Enabling us to comply with applicable law or regulatory requirements; and
  15. Complying generally with all laws and applicable statutory requirements.


In the course of providing products or services to you, we use and may disclose your Personal Information under certain circumstances. The limited circumstances under which we may disclose your Personal Information include:

  1. During an emergency situation or where necessary to protect the safety of a person or group of persons;
  2. To employees, contractors, consultants and other parties (including affiliates of the Corporation) who require the information to assist us in managing the business relationship or providing services, including for billing, handling, account administration, servicing and installations, collections, marketing initiatives and reporting;
  3. At the request of government regulators;
  4. In response to a search warrant or other legally valid inquiry or order, or to an investigative body in the case of a breach of an agreement or contravention of law; and
  5. Where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims; or as otherwise required or permitted by law.

We disclose Personal Information to unaffiliated third parties only when necessary to provide products or services to our customers or as otherwise identified in this Privacy Policy. When we do disclose such information to third parties, we require them to protect Personal Information to the same standard as we use within the Corporation in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information provided to our service providers may be stored and processed outside of Canada. You acknowledge and agree that, as a result, your Personal Information may be processed, used, stored, or accessed in other jurisdictions and may be subject to the laws of those jurisdictions. For example, information may be disclosed in response to valid demands or requests from government authorities, courts, or law enforcement in other countries.

The Corporation may also disclose Personal Information in the context of an actual or possible corporate reorganization, merger or amalgamation with another entity, or an actual or possible sale of all or of a substantial portion of the Corporation’s assets. In such circumstances, disclosure would occur on the condition that the information only be used for the purpose of evaluating the transaction, or on completion of the transaction, for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.


We take the responsibility of safeguarding Personal Information very seriously and in doing so we employ various physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect such information. We also limit access to Personal Information regarding our customers and website visitors to those employees, agents, affiliates and service providers who need to know such information in connection with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy. Despite using these safeguards, no methods are foolproof. If the Corporation suffers a breach of the security safeguards, the risks including increased risk of phishing communications and identify theft. Consistent with good information practices, we encourage you to provide only the Personal Information you are comfortable with providing to a third party, as always keep watch for communications that are suspicious, and report any suspicious activity which may involve us to us as soon as possible.

We only retain Personal Information for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was originally obtained, unless we are required or permitted by law to retain the information for a longer period. Once Personal Information is no longer needed or permitted to be retained, it is securely destroyed or made anonymous as appropriate. To determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Personal Information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your Personal Information, the purposes for which we process your Personal Information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.


We strive to ensure that all Personal Information is accurate, correct, and up-to-date, and take all reasonable efforts to ensure that the integrity and accuracy of such information is protected.Y

ou can ask to see the Personal Information that we hold about you. If you want to review, verify or correct your Personal Information, or find out how it has been used or disclosed, please contact our Privacy Officer using the contact information set out below. Please note that any such communications must be in writing.

Consistent with applicable law, if an individual requires an alternative method of accessing their Personal Information to accommodate a sensory disability, we will work to provide such alternatives.

When making an access request, we require specific information from you to confirm your identity as well as to search for, and provide you with, the Personal Information that we hold about you. We may charge you a reasonable fee to access your Personal Information; but we will advise you of any fee in advance. If you need help in preparing your request, please contact the office of our Privacy Officer.

There are only a few circumstances under which we will not comply with your request to provide you with access to your Personal Information. These circumstances include:

  1. If doing so could reveal Personal Information about a third party (and, in Quebec, if the disclosure could seriously harm that third party);
  2. If the information is subject to legal privilege or was generated in the context of a formal dispute resolution process;
  3. If the information relates to the actual or suspected breach of an agreement or of applicable law; or
  4. Where permitted or required by applicable law.

The Corporation will inform you of the reasons why, subject to any legal or regulatory restrictions, access has been denied.


Please see the US Privacy Policy here.

Questions or Concerns

The Corporation’s compliance with this Privacy Policy and with applicable privacy laws is overseen by our Privacy Officer. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact our Privacy Officer at the following address:

Privacy Officer
Metergy Solutions Inc.
8133 Warden Avenue, Suite 601
Markham, ON L6G 1B3